Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Night cap...simple, sweet, so good

I am a big tea drinker, but occasionally, usually around bedtime, I get that urge for a nice hot cup of chocolate tea..aka hot chocolate. Of course for me lactose intolerance is a big issue so any dreams of milk infused chocolate tea is quickly dashed as I think about the side effects. Be that as it may however, I still think the same great experience can be had from a simple cup of night time decadence provided a few substitutes are used. I have come up with what has worked for me, giving me great flavour and the same 'feel' of rich, milky and sweet chocolate.

You'll need:
1 cup of Silk Pure Almond Milk (or Almond Breeze Unsweetened)
1 tsp of True Protein Flavour Pack (Java Mocha) or any unsweetened instant chocolate powder
vanilla & cinnamon (as much or little as desired)

In a saucepan, heat almond milk just below boiling point (to avoid the film at the top) or heat in microwave for 2-3 minutes (time may vary depending on microwave).
Add chocolate powder, cinnamon and vanilla to the cup then slowly pour in hot milk, stirring continuously until completely combined. Sit and enjoy!

*This is also great anytime of day and for a morning/tea snack can be had with a few wheat crackers.

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